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On the 30th of October, a new elevator appeared between Murphy and Price Hall. The new lift’s purpose is to assist students who are disabled or injured in the climb up the stairs to upper classes. Through this initiative, Monte Vista is opening a new possibility for all students, and creating more accessibility. The campus has historically had limited access for students with disabilities and injuries, and this is a first step towards many to rectify this problem. The lift will be operational this Friday.

According to administration sources, the lift is projected to be finished by the end of thanksgiving break and will be usable for students with disabilities, injuries, and the facilities crew in order for them to get to the second floor. The lift can only be accessed through a key that is available to people that require it.

“I think it’s fantastic,” says Colette Crawford, the nurse at MVCS, “I was hoping for one (a lift) since I started working here six years ago. I believe it will be of great assistance for injured students. It also is helpful for the housekeeping crew.”

This new improvement not only helps the current students at Monte Vista, but also future ones. Someone in a wheelchair would not be able to go up stairs to any of his or her classes that were on upper floors. The lift solves this problem, giving all students opportunities to be a part of the Monte Vista community.

“This has been underway ever since the building was first constructed in 1989,” say administration sources, “after the campus was granted an emergency permit following the Loma Prieta earthquake.” The emergency permit allowed Monte Vista’s campus to build buildings following the time of the crisis, but now the administration is making steps towards improved accessibility.

“This is an ongoing project, and one of many steps. This is a long term priority,” states Dr. Salerno. The lift may be the first of many, a test to see how installing lifts may work. This has always been a plan for Monte Vista Christian School, and administration hopes to be finished with the lift by the end of this week.

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