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The new outdoor students center: A beautifying addition to campus

Monte Vista Christian School began a new project for campus: On April 25th, 2018, Dr. Salerno made his vision for the student center a reality. Located on the amphitheater outside of the ARC there are new benches and umbrellas designed for the students and parents who wish to sit there. They were able to make this area with nearly seventy thousand dollars in donations from families and clubs like the Japanese club.

The freshman history teacher, Chuck Fleming, has been a huge part of the making of this student center. “When I first came here to Monte Vista I was really excited that they even had an amphitheater,” says Mr. Fleming.

“Everybody gets to come here, equal opportunity,” a donor mentioned. Anybody, no matter grade or clique, is allowed to sit around the student center. As she mentioned, it is an equal opportunity for all students around the school.

Many students who sit there now enjoy the relaxing area. According to an administrator at MVCS, the student center is a place where students can grow and thrive together. With the umbrellas covering them from the sun and the plants around the seats; it creates a home feeling.

A problem surfacing with this area is the cleanliness of the student center. When asked, a student said, “There’s tons of trash now too and it’s stained and gross.” With the school trying to keep things clean, it gets pretty difficult with having middle school and high schoolers sharing the area, knowing that it won’t always be in the cleanest state. However, the school is working hard to ensure that the students will respect that area, but at the end of the day it is up to the students to maintain a clean campus.

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