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Senior activities will continue at MVCS

On Thursday September 6th, Dr. Salerno confirmed that the senior activities at Monte Vista Christian School will remain unchanged in the years to come.

In late May 2018, students became concerned that senior activities such as the senior trip, senior quotes, and parking spot painting might be cancelled or changed for the worse. A student at MVCS said, “I heard the rumors. They were there and people were talking.”

According to Dr. Salerno, these are rumors with no foundation. There have been no discussions about the senior trip or senior parking spot opportunities being cancelled.

Last year students began to spread the narrative that senior activities are going to be taken away in a few years.

A former MVCS student stated “I heard there might not be a senior trip after the class of 2018” Claims like this lead to people to believe there might not be a senior trip in the years to come. Monte Vista has had a senior trip to Southern California every year for the seniors and recently students have become worried it will become canceled.

Dr. Salerno said, “We have never once talked about taking away the senior trip.”

Every year seniors also paint their parking spots before school so they have a place to park. A parent spoke with a teacher at the MVCS senior parking spot painting and heard that the lot would be repaved and the students wouldn’t be able to paint the spots afterwards.

Dr. Salerno shed some light on this issue in an interview Thursday where he told sources from The Vista, "We do not have current plans to repave the lot. In the future, when it is repaved, we will be certain to retain traditions that enhance community and celebrate the accomplishments of our students. I love the senior spots and am supportive of the tradition."

Dr. Salerno also said, ““The senior quotes are managed by Ms. Hoy, under the supervision of Mrs. Swing. I will support their decision about the viability of senior quotes. Ultimately, we want our yearbook to reflect our shared mission, vision, and values.”

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